How To Choose The Perfect Self Loading Concrete Mixer

A self-loading concrete mixer has become one of the essential pieces of equipment for every contractor that takes on medium-sized projects. There is no other machine that offers as many benefits as this mixer when it comes to concrete making. Also, when you combine it with a pump, you have almost everything needed for making and delivery of concrete. Having said that, it would be a big mistake for potential buyers to assume that they can buy any model out there and expect it to perform well.

There are several manufacturing companies (such as China Aimix Group) that offer these mixers for sale at various prices. Unfortunately, not all of these companies are good at making construction related machinery. This is why you need to be careful when buying this mixer if you want to get the best value for your money over the long term. Here are a few factors you should closely watch when you go shopping for a self-loading concrete mixer:

Self Loading Concrete Mixer Price
China Self Loading Concrete Mixer Price

Mixing Capacity of the Machine

Most inexperienced buyers think that buying a piece of construction machinery is just like buying a TV. When you buy a TV, you often try to get the biggest screen that fits within your budget. It works for buying a TV as bigger screen typically means a better viewing experience. However, buying a concrete mixer is a completely different thing.

You should never think of buying as much capacity as you can afford to buy. One of the reasons is that this machine has a fixed operating cost. Whether you utilize it to its full potential or not, it’s entirely up to you but you will have to take care of that fixed operating cost. This is why you shouldn’t choose a particular capacity based on your gut feeling. It should be based on the demand in the market if you are going to rent it out or the amount of concrete needed for your own projects if that is what you want to do.

Choosing the Right Configuration

Like other types of machinery, this mixer (автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой) is also sold in a continuous configuration as well as batch configuration. If you need a continuous supply of concrete of a specific mix, it would be better to invest in a continuous type mixer but if you frequently need to change the concrete mix, it is better to invest in a batch mixer.

Self Loading Concrete Mixer Cost
China Self Loading Concrete Mixer Cost

Price of the Mixer

More often than not, the first thing buyers look at when choosing this mixer is the price. They make the mistake of assuming that all the mixers perform the same regardless of the design or efficiency. Nothing could be further from the truth. When it comes to buying construction machinery, you’re going to get what you pay for.

If you choose cheap machinery, it will break down frequently and you will have to replace crucial components much more frequently. This is why experts recommend buying a quality product. If you do not have the budget to buy a completely new mixer (купить бетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой), there is no harm in buying a used one. Once you have enough savings, you can always buy a completely new piece of machinery.


Overall, a self-loading concrete mixer offers a number of advantages in construction projects. It makes projects more efficient and complete automation helps you save time and money. When it comes to buying this machinery, it is important to consider mixing capacity, configuration as well as the price to get the best value for your money and to set up a solid foundation for long-term success in this business. Learn more: