Choosing The Right Self Loading Concrete Mixer

Are you considering a self-loading mixer? Do you have any existing experience in the industry? Choosing a self-loading mixer isn’t as easy as buying a television or a refrigerator for your home. It’s a big purchase and its efficiency, fuel consumption, ease of use and other things play an important role in the overall profitability of your business.

In short, you can’t just buy any mixer and expect great results. In this blog post, we will cover the topic of how to go about selecting a good self-loading concrete mixer(hormigoneras autocargables).

Processing capacity needed

One of the most obvious things you need to look at is the processing capacity of the mixer. There are a lot of opinions on how to go about selecting a particular capacity. Some people always recommend buying as much capacity as you can afford to buy whereas others recommend taking a more refined approach.

Our recommendation is to choose a capacity based on the amount of concrete you will regularly need for your projects. Obviously, it depends on the type of projects you undertake. If you consistently take on projects where only a small amount of concrete is required, you obviously won’t be able to justify the expense of a higher capacity mixer(venta de autohormigoneras).

Another thing you need to know about choosing a capacity is that a bigger capacity also means higher expenses in terms of operational costs, maintenance costs, servicing costs and cost of replacement parts. If you are not able to utilize the capacity to its full extent, you might not be able to justify the excess cost for that extra capacity.

Self Loading Concrete Mixer Truck
Self Loading Concrete Mixer Truck

Type of configuration

When it comes to configuration, we are referring to the type of mixers such as a batch mixer or a continuous type mixer. A continuous mixer is capable of producing concrete continuously. It does not require constant stopping of the mixer.

However, it only makes sense when you require only a particular type of specification mix and do not need to change the specifications many times throughout the day. If you need different specification mixes, it is much better to invest in a batch-type concrete mixer.

Worksite location

The choice of the mixer(plantas dosificadoras de concreto moviles) also depends on the type of location where you need to take your concrete mixer. If you are going to use the mixer primarily in urban areas where there is no problem with the roads, you can buy a regular self-loading mixer.

On the other hand, if you plan to take your mixer to areas that are hard-to-reach and where the terrain is rough, you would obviously want a mixer that is mounted on a strong and powerful truck.


Once you have decided on the technical specifications of the mixer, it is time for you to dig deeper into the reputation of the manufacturer. Not all manufacturers are the same as some companies have been involved in this business for decades and have an excellent reputation for the quality of their construction machinery. Take a look at the site here:

On the other hand, there are also companies that are completely new to this industry and have only jumped in because they want to take advantage of the growing demand for construction machinery. It is better to go with a company that has been active for several years as they are likely to have a better product line and better service network.

How To Choose The Perfect Self Loading Concrete Mixer
China Self Loading Concrete Mixer Price

Final Thoughts

Overall, there are several companies selling self-loading mixers. You should never choose a mixer based only on its price. It’s important to carefully consider the processing capacity, configuration type as well as where you’re going to use the mixer to make the right choice.