The Advancement Of Concrete Pump Equipment Throughout The Years

If you currently use any type of concrete pump related equipment, you should know that this type of equipment has gone through significant changes over the decades. New advancements are made on an annual basis, and manufacturers are incorporating these new technologies into every product they produce. These major innovations have made it possible for many of the top companies to accelerate the speed at which they are able to complete projects. This would include the use of concrete in the construction of single-family homes, office buildings, and even skyscrapers that tower in cities today. Here is a quick walk through the many advancements that have been made in the development of the concrete pump.

Trailer Concrete Pump Equipment
Trailer Concrete Pump Equipment

What Is A Concrete Pump?

Before the invention of the concrete pump, the pouring of concrete was the most novel way of getting the concrete from the mixer to the ground. The concrete pump uses pistons, typically connected to some type of electric motor(motor electrico) and hydraulic system, that will draw the concrete in, and push it out. This is done through what are called discharge pipes, and these can be extremely long depending upon the power of the unit. It is in these areas that advancements have been made to increase the distance concrete can be delivered, and the speed at which it can be delivered from the mixer.

High-Capacity Concrete Pumps

In recent years, both stationary and mobile concrete pumps have been improved as a result of improving the maximum theoretical output. For example, you may have a skyscraper that is being built, and the concrete needs to be sent to higher levels for use. These new concrete pumps have the power necessary to deliver the concrete not only a further distance, but vertical distances as well. The mixer technology has also been improved, allowing the concrete to remain in a more liquid state for a longer duration of time.

Improvements In Concrete Mixers With Pumps

When you are able to combine these new and improved high-capacity concrete pumps(bombas de hormigón de alta capacidad) with new mixers, you have quite a product. These can be used to help accelerate the speed at which projects are completed. Some of these mixers will use engines that are nine speed, complete with a gearbox that is designed to increase productivity levels. Essentially, it can turn the concrete much faster, and in a more synchronous matter, to promote more consistency in the product. The combination of better mixers, along with advancements in concrete pump technology, have truly improved the way that structures that use concrete are brought to completion.

Concrete Mixer With Pump
AIMIX Concrete Mixer With Pump

Other Advancements In Concrete Pump Technology

Other advancements will include the ability to move more concrete(mover más concreto) than ever before. The technology, revolving around the power of the concrete pump, has enabled a much wider opening. This means a higher rate delivery at the ground level, and at elevated levels, so that virtually any concrete related project can be completed much faster. This can also help reduce the cost of operating transit mixers, as well as every other aspect of your business.

Since the innovation of the concrete pump, so many technological advancements have been made. In particular, the ability of the pistons within the concrete pumps have been dramatically modified for the better. Their increased power levels have made it possible for higher rates of delivery and increases in the maximum theoretical output per hour. As time passes, we will likely have further improvements in concrete pump technology that will make the construction of any structure faster than ever before.

And if you need to purchase a concrete equipment, just look at AIMIX products: